Organization: The First Step to Any Renovation
The first step we take in any renovation starts with organization. It’s so easy to want to work on the aesthetics of a home first - but when you’re looking at a whole-home project, trust us - you will be happier to have a clean and organized home FIRST and then worry about making it look beautiful!
Robb is BIG on making sure there is a designated spot for all his tools and a functional work space for all our DIY projects before we start anything big. As in our last home, this house is no different when it comes to building good storage and work areas before digging into the REAL fixer-up stuff!
We’ve got some fantastic projects already planned out for this home - but to begin with we will be adding some blogs and tutorials on getting organized first! It makes all the rest of the projects SO much easier, trust me!
This house was owned by a very organized couple so there were already a lot of shelving units - however, they were pretty narrow and small; designated for mostly small storage items such as extra food or home goods. They were probably great for the previous homeowners - but we need big, hefty shelving for large storage totes (which we use for all our activities - from backpacking, to kid stuff, to all the holiday decor), as well as adequate storage for all of our tools and extra home improvement items.
Some of the unique storage solutions Robb already built, so I will write a separate blog showing the space-saving ideas he has already implemented. Coming in the next few months we are expanding an existing garden shed on the side of the house and converting the larger half into a wood workshop and the back half will remain a garden/yard utility shed. Stay tuned for many pictures, how-tos, and videos!